marzo 12, 2018


*English version down below :)

Estan de modas los challenge y este me pareció chistoso! 
Aaaaaaproveché a hacer mi primer video que voz! que susto!! jajaja, no me fue tan mal. Tocó repetir unas veces lo que decía porque me quedaba hablando como loca sin sentido para aparte de eso todo bien! La edición super básica porque realmente primera vez que edito un video xD peeeero bueno! por algo tenía que empezar para animarme más con esto de los videos! (que difícil ':D).

Social media challenges are innnn and this one in particular #BustofCuriosities I found it to be pretty funny. It was created by the illustrator @Flavitabanana to tell our trivial and embarrassing curiosities. Sooo with this challenge I decided to make my first video with audio!, I talking on the back while I was illustrating this hehe. Unfortunately is all in spanish...bc I'm too silly and I'm still afraid to talk in english to everybody lol, so oneeee step at a time. The video edition is super basic bc this is the first time that I actually edit a video xD. But it's ok! I had to start with something right?! here is the link! hope you like it :), even thou is in spanish you can still see my process for illustrating :) 

Video link here

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